Competitions and Tenders



Экспертный Совет Фонда «Российское здравоохранение» утвердил решение об итогах закрытого конкурса «Поддержка проектов снижения вреда (аутрич проектов) для уязвимых групп (потребителей инъекционных наркотиков и/или коммерческих секс работников)» в рамках Программы Глобального Фонда и выделил гранты на продолжение финансирования проектов организаций:

•Саратовский областной общественный фонд «Мегаполис» - КСР
• АКОО «АнтиСПИД-Сибирь» (Алтайский край) - КСР
•«Береги себя» (г. Челябинск) - КСР
•АНО «Элпис» (г. Волгоград) - КСР
•«Каритас-Запад» (г. Калининград) - КСР
•Красный Крест (г. Иркутск) - КСР
•«Новые грани» (г. Екатеринбург) - КСР
•«Гражданская инициатива» (г. Магнитогорск) - КСР
•«АнтиСПИД-Сибирь» (Алтайский край) - ПИН
• «Есть мнение» (г. Челябинск) - ПИН
• «АнтиСПИД» (г. Саратов) - ПИН
•Красный Крест (г. Краснодар) – ПИН и КСР
•Общественная организация «Мария» (г. Волгоград) - ПИН
• «Перекресток семи дорог» (г. Иркутск) – ПИН


Экспертный Совет Фонда «Российское здравоохранение» утвердил решение об итогах закрытого конкурса “Развитие прямого немедицинского сервиса для людей, живущих с ВИЧ/СПИДом” в рамках Программы Глобального Фонда и выделил гранты на финансирование проектов организаций:

•Челябинский городской благотворительный общественный фонд «Береги себя»
•ГУЗ «Центр по профилактике и борьбе со СПИД и инфекционными заболеваниями», г. Рубцовск
•Саратовский Областной Общественный Фонд «Мегаполис»
•Автономная Некоммерческая Организация «Понимание» г. Иркутск
•Автономная некоммерческая организация «Центр профилактики ВИЧ/СПИДа «Элпис», г. Волгоград
•ГУЗ «Свердловский областной центр по профилактике и борьбе со СПИД и инфекционными заболеваниями», г. Екатеринбург
•Некоммерческая организация Магнитогорский благотворительный фонд «Гражданская инициатива», г. Магнитогорск
•Региональная общественная организация «Сибирская инициатива»
•Региональная общественная организация «СПИДинфосвязь»


The Advisory Council of the Russian Health Care Foundation approved the results of the open tender to select recipients of grant funds earmarked to establish Information Centres in the Russian Federation under the Global Fund Programme Promoting a Strategic Response to HIV/AIDS – Treatment and Care for Vulnerable Populations, and the grants were awarded the following organizations:
Lot # 1 - ANTI-AIDS-Siberia (Barnaul)
Lot # 2 – AIDS INFOSHARE (Moscow)
Lot # 3 – AIDS INFOSHARE (Moscow)
Lot # 4 – Take Care of Yourself (a Charity Foundation, Chelyabinsk)
Lot # 5 – Irkutsk Red Cross
Lot # 6 – Humanitarian Project (Novosibirsk)
Lot # 7 – Coming Back (St-Petersburg)


Grant Program “Widening Support to Harm Reduction Projects for Vulnerable Groups (IDUs and/or Commercial Sex Workers) has started”.

We invite all interested organizations to join the competition.


Based on the results of an open-end tender, the Advisory Council approved the decision to award grants for Psychological and Social Support Projects for HIV-Infected Children with a Focus on Orphans under the Global Fund Program: Promoting a Strategic Response to HIV/AIDS – Treatment and Care for Vulnerable Populations in the Russian Federation to the following organizations:
1. Oryol Oblast Centre for Psychological, Medical, Social and Educational Support for Children in Need (a public sector institution);
2. Diagnosis and Counselling Centre for Children in Need of Psychological, Educational, Medical and Social Support, Lipetsk Oblast (a public sector institution);
3. Irkutsk Oblast Division, Russian Red Cross;
4. Magistr (Master) Novosibirsk City Education and Health Centre (a Municipal Institution of Additional Education);
5. Chuvash Republic’s Centre for Psychological and Educational Rehabilitation and Management under the Chuvash Republic’s Ministry of Education
6. Moscow State Technical University named after N. Bauman;
7. Oblast Diagnosis and Counselling Centre for Children in Need of Psychological, Educational, Medical and Social Support, Rostov-on-the-Don;
8. Centre for Psychological, Medical and Social Management for Children and Adolescents under the Education Department, Government of the City of Moscow;
9. Diagnosis and Counselling Centre for Children in Need of Psychological, Educational, Medical and Social Support, the City of Ulan-Ude (a municipal institution);
10. Centre for Psychological and Educational Rehabilitation and Management (a public sector instruction), Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra;
11. Child, Youth and Family Social Health Centre (a public sector institution), Kostroma;
12. Institute of Special Education and Special Psychology (Non-Governmental Higher Education Institution), St-Petersburg;
13. Kaliningrad Oblast Diagnosis and Counselling Centre for Children in Need of Psychological, Educational, Medical and Social Support, (a public sector institution);
14. Take Care of Yourself Chelyabinsk City Charity Foundation;
15. Drug Addiction Prevention Centre, St-Petersburg;
16. Social Support Centre for Family and Children, Magnitogorsk.


Based on the results of a tender, the Advisory Council approved the decision to award the grant to finance a project for Selecting, Producing and Disseminating Information Materials on Psychosocial Support to PLWHA, their Safe Behaviour to Prevent HIV Transmission and Information for PLWHA’s Relatives and Care-Givers under the Program: Promoting a Strategic Response to HIV/AIDS – Treatment and Care for Vulnerable Populations in the Russian Federation to the Take Care of Yourself Chelyabinsk City Charity Foundation.

[Application] (138 kb)


Tender "Establishment of reference centers on working vulnerable groups"
Приглашаем заинтересованные организации принять участие.

[tender] (88 kb)


Tender on selection, edition and distribution of information materials for PLWHA

[Application] (138 kb)


Tender Advertisement: A tender will be held to select recipients for grant funds for Psychological and Social Support Programs for HIV-Infected Children, with an Emphasis on Orphans. All interested organisations are invited to take part.


Based on the results of a tender, the Advisory Council approved the decision to award grants for Establishing Multi-Professional Teams to Provide Counselling, Stimulate and Maintain ARV Treatment Adherence, under the Global Fund Program: Promoting a Strategic Response to HIV/AIDS – Treatment and Care for Vulnerable Populations in the Russian Federation to the following organizations:

• Irkutsk Oblast Department of the Red Cross
• Saratov AIDS Centre
• Kaliningrad AIDS Centre
• Civil Society Initiative Magnitogorsk Charity Foundation
• Elpis Non-Commercial Organisation (Volgograd)
• Sverdlovsk AIDS Centre
• Anti-AIDS-Siberia (Barnaul)
• Return St-Petersburg Regional Non-Governmental Organisation
• ChelGMA Clinic, Chelyabinsk AIDS Centre
• City AIDS Control Foundation (Novosibirsk)
• Municipal AIDS Centre (Sochi)

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